Monday, May 5, 2008

Maple Avenue Baptist Church Donation........

Our church, Maple Avenue Baptist in Smackover, has been collecting needed items for the orphanages in Kyrgyzstan, to be distributed by missionary John Wright. We were able to collect a duffel bag full of tylenol, creams, ointments, vitamins, etc. for the children in the orphanages. The pictures are of the mission team accepting the donations from our church. Our prayer is that these items will open doors for John and Julie in their missionary efforts to help the needy children of Kyrgyzstan.


Monica Nash said...

When you get home give me the address and info, I would love to head this up as a mission project at our church too. What a wonderful way to give back and get my kids involved.

Sandy Sandmeyer said...

Today's the day!!! I'll be thinking of you and praying that everything goes well. Keep typing!!


Mala said...

updates! How's everything going???????????

Sandy Sandmeyer said...

I know, I've been curious to hear what's happening. How's Anna getting along??


tom said...

I am a freelance journalist researching a story on religious freedom in Bishkek. If you are still based in KG, I would be keen to interview you at some point during the next 2 weeks. If you are interested, please email:

Many thanks.

Tom Wellings

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